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Geezer Tech

The Guide to Living with Technology for Baby Boomers and Before


Geezer Tech addresses the issue of technical understanding, presented in a style that is more easily understood by seniors and anyone else who is technically challenged. The book is comprised of three sections: computers, cell phones, and televisions - the same three areas of technology that have proven to be the most challenging to my test audience, my eighty-seven-year-old mother.


Geezer Tech is written in common, everyday English, explaining difficult concepts in simple terms and comparing elements of technology to items with which seniors will be familiar. To keep things light, each chapter starts with a humorous tech support situation that was handled by either myself or one of my coworkers during my forty years in the field of I.T. technical support.


During my career, I have written technical manuals, taught classes, and given presentations regarding different aspects of technology, often to widely varying age groups and skill levels. I also conduct “Tech Nights” at local libraries and community centers where anyone can bring in any piece of technology - from cell phones to FitBit watches to digital cameras - and I help them with the setup and operation of the device.


Though technology may seem intimidating, this self-help book will ease you in. A helpful glossary of common terminology is included within.


Click here to check it out on Amazon!


Artist Phil Penne is a writer, photographer, digital artist, soap maker, builder of pentatonically tuned wind chimes, and crafter of handmade Native American style flutes. 

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